The World Letter

The World Letter is a participatory art piece where the world writes together a collective love letter to the world. For the past 5 years. French-Iranian famous performance artist Cocovan, been traveling around the world, asking people from all walks of life to write a love letter to the world on a gigantic scroll of paper, that gets longer as more people write on it. As of today, more than 25000 people have participated to The World Letter, representing 145 nations, and the Letter itself is almost 600 meters long now! Determine the message you want to deliver to the world and be a part of this giant project. We are waiting for you in our office for two days!

Kolejnym przystankiem projektu „List do świata” na świecie był Dunaj Instytut Dialogu. Słynna francusko-irańska artystka Cocovan dała nam możliwość przypomnienia sobie naszych wspólnych celów. Następna podróż tych wiadomości to kosmos! Gdybyś miał/a wiadomość dla kosmosu, co by to było?

The next stop of the „The world letter” project on the world was Dunaj Institute last night. It was an evening of smiles, and Cocovan gave us the opportunity to remember our common goals. Next is the journey of these messages into space! If you were to announce a message to the world, what would it be?